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5 ways to make mail magic in Jira with ScriptRunner for Jira’s Mail Handler
20 January 21

5 ways to make mail magic in Jira with ScriptRunner for Jira’s Mail Handler

Looking for inspiration for how to automate emails related to your Jira Server or Data Center instance? C...

Striking a balance between flexibility and control in Bitbucket
12 January 21

Striking a balance between flexibility and control in Bitbucket

Find out how PAYBACK used ScriptRunner to create automations and customisations in Bitbucket.

5 ways to customise your Jira issue view with Scripted Fields
16 December 20

5 ways to customise your Jira issue view with Scripted Fields

Looking for inspiration for how to automate your Jira instance? Check out these next-level automations.

Optimise resource allocation in Bamboo builds with DataDog and ScriptRunner
28 October 20

Optimise resource allocation in Bamboo builds with DataDog and ScriptRunner

This is how we save money and improve CPU usage by sending the right info to DataDog - with the help of S...

How to prioritise issues in Jira using WSJF as Scripted Fields
27 August 20

How to prioritise issues in Jira using WSJF as Scripted Fields

Even in Jira, issue prioritisation can be tricky. Employing WSJF & Scripted Fields can help overcome that...

The Top 10 Jira Query Language (JQL) functions from ScriptRunner
26 September 19

The Top 10 Jira Query Language (JQL) functions from ScriptRunner

JQL out-of-the-box can be limiting. Fortunately ScriptRunner offers a large library of useful functions.

Introducing Code Insights for ScriptRunner
18 April 19

Introducing Code Insights for ScriptRunner

Code Insights simplifies writing scripts in ScriptRunner. We've introduced a host of new smart features.