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The benefits of a Udemy subscription

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On-going training is an integral part of anyone's professional development, and no matter how experienced a person is in their career, it's essential to keep learning new skills—it's good for the brain! At Adaptavist, we want to empower everyone to do their best work, while giving them the space and opportunity to grow and expand their knowledge. One of the ways we demonstrate this is by giving everyone a paid subscription to the online course provider Udemy

So, how does this work in action?

All Adaptavist employees can block time out to take advantage of Udemy's courses. We recommend our team block time out in their calendars to study during work hours, and they don't need to ask for permission. We believe this will enhance their careers and understanding of their work. They can also sign up for recreational courses completely unrelated to their day job. Here are some of the never-ending benefits of using the Udemy subscription.

Learn about fields adjacent to your own

Have you always wanted to know what your colleagues do in their jobs? With Udemy, you can boost your efficiency and collaborate better across departments by taking courses that overlap with your role but are not a core part of it. Linh Pham, Product Manager at Adaptavist, is currently taking several courses covering topics including UX design and UI research. In her role, she frequently encounters new issues and finds access to Udemy's courses helps her understand all the different elements of delivering a successful project.

Sales Development Representative Maryam Kapadia collaborates with Project Managers every day. She completed the 'Account Management for Beginners' course to better understand an Account Manager's role. Maryam says: "I learnt how they build trusted relationships with key clients and how they grow and nurture accounts."

Ideal for learning new technologies

Everyone knows that technology evolves quickly. It can be challenging to get a comprehensive understanding of new developments just by reading articles. Using Udemy courses to educate yourself is a much better alternative. Martin Short works at Adaptavist as a Senior Full Stack Web Developer; the versatility of his role makes picking up new development skills a formidable advantage. He enjoys using his Udemy subscription for this reason, completing particular sections of a course for both work and personal purposes. He says: "I don't often complete a course but appreciate that you can keep going back to it or download the resources to use later. It's just good to look at the bits that really interest me or might help me with a particular part of a personal project."

Udemy is also there to support our brand new staff, who have access to the subscription from day one. When Technical Writer Sandy Fargus started with us, she had only used Windows computers and was unsure how to get to grips with her new company MacBook. She recalls: "I hadn't used a Mac before starting with the company, and I was struggling to do a lot of things. It was super frustrating. My amazing manager suggested I try finding a course on Udemy, and I did. It made everything so much easier and smoother."  

Explore a new role or responsibility

Transitioning into a new role or taking on new responsibilities can be daunting. Preparation and research can smoothen the process by improving your knowledge and helping you feel more confident. Linh Pham first completed the 'Become a Product Manager' course and then progressed to the 'Advanced Product Management: Vision, Strategy & Metrics' one. She states: "I took advantage of these resources to prepare for a completely new role. These courses integrated perfectly with my career development—every day, I can easily find opportunities in my work to apply the knowledge I learned or ask about things I find interesting." 

Create your own bespoke courses

Udemy isn't just about learning—it's also about creating. Users can create their own courses without creating new videos. You can curate a list of videos from different learning paths to compile your own bespoke course to train other staff members. As you can imagine, there are thousands of videos to choose from, so the course can be as general or specific as you want. Adaptavist email Marketing Manager Mark Bundle thinks this is a fantastic feature. He says: "If a particular role or department needs the same training session, we can document it and add it to the auto-enrolment list for new starters."

Who wouldn't love the option to access over 100,000 high-quality courses all for free? We encourage all our team to keep learning, to improve their knowledge in all areas of life, even for personal use. As a company, continuous learning is part of our DNA; we are always looking for ways to improve and expand our thinking. Udemy gives our team access to a world of learning opportunities at their fingertips. Go on—give it a go!

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