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Adaptavist Test Management for Jira Cloud now supports automated testing with REST API

Vitor Pelizza
17 December 18 Jira
Adaptavist Test Management for Jira Cloud now supports automated testing with REST API
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Adaptavist Test Management for Jira cloud now supports automated testing with REST API

We’re excited to announce that it is now possible to import data and integrate your automated testing tools with Adaptavist Test Management for Jira Cloud. You can do this using the new free REST API, which enables you to store test automation execution results into Adaptavist Test Management for Jira Cloud.

The REST API makes it much easier for teams to manage their test management lifecycle whilst supporting agile development and DevOps methodologies. Now you can automate manual tests and publish the results to Jira, where you can use our advanced reporting to view meaningful data for all your tests in just one place: your single source of truth. 

The REST API powers new capabilities

Many manual tasks can be automated by making use of the new REST API. Some of the benefits of using the API with automated tests include:

  • Leveraging test automation to have shorter and more reliable releases
  • Having reports and metrics of both automated and manual tests in just one place
  • Automating manual tasks, such as creating a test case (given certain conditions)

Once all your test results are in Jira, there are 19 reports under the "Test Execution" category that give you complete visibility of your test coverage (for both manual and automated tests) and improve your ability to deploy better software faster. They provide information about the status of the test effort, including overall software quality and test execution progress. You can customise these reports to display details relevant to particular users based on the filter provided, for example, filtering by only automated or manual test executions.

The REST API uses the OpenAPI specification. This means that the API specification can be downloaded and you then can generate clients on different languages or tools to make it easier to interact with the API. For example, when using Postman to try and test some of the endpoints, the OpenAPI specification may be imported and all the endpoints will be available to use in Postman straight away. Alternatively, when using the API from Java, an API SDK in Java can be generated as well, making all the API structure available to use as classes and methods. For more information on how to generate different clients for the API, please check the Swagger Codegen documentation.

How to use the Cloud REST API

To make use of the new REST API, there are only two steps required:

1) Generate an access key: each Jira user can create their own access key to access the API. The steps are very simple and easy to follow; click on your profile icon in Jira Cloud, select option "Test Management for Jira API keys" and follow the instructions for automatically generating the key.

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A detailed step-by-step guide can be found here.

2) Making authenticated requests: once the access key has been created, then it's time to hit the API and start making some requests. There are a number of endpoints that can be used for many different actions, for example, creating test cases or test executions. 

A detailed step-by-step guide can be found here.

Needless to say, APIs are playing an increasingly important role in software development and this will continue to grow throughout 2019. Stay tuned for new exciting features due to be released!



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