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The Adaptavist Top 100 Club

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Celebrating our partner’s ScriptRunner accreditation achievements

The Adaptavist App Solution Partner Program started in 2019 with a handful of fantastic partners who wanted to sell our apps alongside Atlassian's. Since then, the ongoing support from our partners has grown our program tremendously. Today we are proud to have over 80 partners, with new partners currently going through the onboarding process. Now our partner program contributes to over 30% of Adaptavist's total app revenue.

As the Adaptavist Partner Program has grown and matured, we have looked at new ways to offer further support to them and to make selling our apps as straightforward as possible. So in 2021, we built a brand new feature-rich partner portal as the go-to place information place for our partners. It contains, but isn't limited to:

  • App-specific sales enablement materials
  • Partner discounts
  • Sales performance tracking
  • Product blogs 
  • Marketing campaign toolkits
  • Co-marketing opportunities

Launching this more detailed platform enabled us to look at offering our partners an Adaptavist app accreditation program. On 1 March 2022, we launched our partner accreditation program. Currently, we offer the following courses, which provide a technical overview of our apps:

  • ScriptRunner for Jira Fundamentals 
  • ScriptRunner for Confluence Fundamentals 

Starting with our most popular apps, we are building an accreditation series available to our partners from within the new partner portal. These courses are designed for consultants but are open to anyone in our existing partner organisations who wants to get an introductory-level knowledge of our apps. Each course explains the fundamentals of our apps. This training now also forms part of the new partner onboarding process, enabling new partners to resell our apps to their customers confidently from the start. 

On completing the training, individuals are awarded an Accredited Professional badge for adding to their LinkedIn profile. Accreditations are available for both individuals and partner organisations. To earn a partner accreditation badge, the partner needs to have five accredited individuals. If five or more people at an organisation receive a badge, the partner will also receive their Partner Specialisation Badge to display on their website. 

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ScriptRunner for Jira Specialised Partner badge

Our partners have been enthusiastic about the certification program. Kreuzwerker in Germany was the first to achieve a specialised partner badge, then Trundl, Akeles, ACA Group, ByteSource, and TNG Technology Consulting have all achieved this partner accreditation.

So far, over 100 people from more than 22 partners from 11 countries covering Asia Pacific, EMEA, and North & South America have completed ScriptRunner Fundamentals and joined our notable Top 100 Club

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""As a consultant, days are always busy, so it was great that the course was clear and concise, helping me learn the basics of the product without being a big-time commitment. It was a nice way to learn about ScriptRunner for Confluence.""
Özge Kavas, Atlassian & Business Consultant, Kreuzwerker
""The feedback from our consultants was good for ScriptRunner for Confluence—it's definitely very nice to show some use cases/real examples already!""
Christian Pascher, Senior Consultant, ByteSource

An accreditation program for our app solution partners empowers them to be confident in selling our apps to their customers; it also makes them stand out amongst their competitors and showcase their expertise to new customers. Individuals get the opportunity to extend their professional development and gain recognition for this from their employers. The benefit to customers is that certified partners reassure customers that their provider is knowledgeable about Adaptavist apps, helping them choose a capable provider. Essentially, everybody benefits from this initiative.

Extra partner engagement has benefited the certification program even further with a drive to grow our partner program into new regions, extending our global customer reach.

With the Adaptavist certification program now in place and flourishing, we are confident that our partners have training to a specific competency level and that they will feel happy and confident selling Adaptavist apps. 

In the future, we plan to add more courses to our training to include more product accreditations and sales certifications for more of our apps, so watch this space and thank you again to our partners.

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