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The journey to Atlassian Cloud with Adaptavist: our playbook to cloud migration success

This playbook explores the key stages involved in migrating to Atlassian Cloud and what you’ll need to consider along the way.

The journey to Atlassian Cloud playbook

In 2024, Atlassian discontinued its Server products. If you've yet to move to Atlassian Cloud, now is the time to start planning your migration process and lay the foundations for a successful move. 

In this eBook, we walk you through migration step by step so you can understand the full process—from asking big questions and exploring your options to making future plans once migration is complete.

What you'll learn

  • map Icon
    Whether moving to Atlassian Cloud is the right decision for the needs of your organisation
  • upload_cloud Icon
    How to plan for your migration
  • manager Icon
    The key steps involved in moving from Server to Cloud and where you may need support
  • cog Icon
    How our migration experts, with years of experience, approach migrations

Download the playbook