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Webinar: The Do's and Don'ts of Agile Teams

The Do's and Don'ts of Agile Teams

SAFe starts with the agile team. Agile teams fuel the enterprise and are at the centre of an organisation's success, but what does a successful, high performing, agile team look like? How do you know if your team is ‘being agile', and not just ‘doing agile’?

23 March 8PM - 8.40PM UTC

Easy Agile hosts a deep dive into the SAFe agile team covering:

1. The fundamentals of SAFe with Adaptavist experts and SAFe consultants, William and Riz.
2. The roles that you need in an agile team and how to organise these (or not!)
3. How to identify and avoid the pitfalls of agile teams to drive high performance.


Event hosts and guests:

Rizwan Hasan

Rizwan Hasan

Senior Transformation Consultant
Rizwan works with agile teams and enterprise organisations to understand, strategise, and ultimately deliver on large scale transformation projects. Rizwan believes the right attitude and approach to adapting new technology and continuous process improvement and learning is the key to organisational success and productivity, and most importantly, a positive and supportive work culture for teams.

William Rojas

William Rojas

Managing Consultant
William works with teams to help them adopt new technology and processes to transform how their organisations deliver software and products to the market.