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Business Agility Day

Business Agility Day

Business Agility Day brings together all roles, departments, professions and levels necessary for a successful transformation. All together to create organisations for the future. -

21 October 8AM - 4PM UTC

We’re presenting

Agile Leadership Day

Register to join our Developing an Agile Mindset talk led by John Turley

When: 21st October 2020
Time: 9:30am - 10:00am BST

What is an agile mindset, how do you attain one and what are the benefits from adopting this powerful framework for thinking? John explains how adopting an agile mindset with our colleagues opens the door to a truly collaborative environment where innovation can emerge and the whole world can change.

Business Agility Day

Register to join Growing your Agile team: Hiring and inspiring the right mindset and skills talk led by Heidi Araya

When: 21st October 2020

Time: 1:30pm - 2:00pm BST

Heidi will discuss the criteria for hiring a great agile team and for growing a more high performing team; drawing from experience from her extensive background in teamwork and collaboration, and pulling from sources such as the Google Aristotle study, Patrick Lencioni’s Five Dysfunctions of a Team, Stanley McChrystal’s Team of Teams, and others. Attendees will leave with concrete ideas on how to find the right candidates for teams and how to work with existing team members to increase levels of self-organisation, collaboration, empathy, and teamwork. 

Event hosts and guests:

John Turley

John Turley

Senior Digital Transformation Consultant

John is a pragmatic leader with 25 years’ experience working in companies at all levels, from teams to c-suite, bringing concrete, value-adding change to the way organisations really work. Dissatisfied with the standard discourse around transformation and agility, he is passionate about applying cutting-edge knowledge from fields as diverse as complexity, sociology, and psychology in practical, proven ways that immediately increase productivity at the same time as embedding continuous learning in ways of working.

Heidi Araya

Heidi Araya

Heidi partners with companies to help solve agile, organisation design and strategy execution challenges. A specialist in digital transformation for over 20 years, she’s no stranger to leading agile transformations in a wide range of global and distributed companies. Always bringing a pragmatic approach to her work, she collaborates with businesses to create more responsive, effective, and resilient teams. Heidi is a Senior Transformational Consultant at Adaptavist and co-founder of the Open Leadership Network.