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OKRs vs product roadmaps: the ultimate guide

OKRs vs product Roadmaps - the ultimate guide

OKRs or product roadmaps, can you use both? Yes!

Developing a successful product is no easy task. That's why most project tracking and decision-making frameworks promise to be a "silver bullet" that will solve all your development dilemmas. But with all that noise, how do you know what approach suits your organisation?

If you really want more agile ways to deliver product features. But not just any features—features directly linked to your goals. Then you need to use the OKR framework alongside your product roadmap to determine your product roadmap trajectory.

In fact, you might already be tinkering with OKRs (Objective Key Results). And if you're like most new adopters, you're probably unsure how to apply these goals to your product roadmap and may be asking: 

  • What are OKRs again?
  • Do they replace my roadmap entirely?
  • What are they tracking?
  • Can they both be used in parallel?
  • Where can I find the answers I need?

Key takeaways from this eBook:

This eBook covers OKRs, agile product roadmaps, and how the two work in tandem. By the end, you should have the answers you need. Fundamentals out of the way, we'll take a closer look at how to:

  • Define and build initiatives based on OKRs.
  • Assemble those initiatives into a product roadmap.
  • Ensure your backlog connects to your OKRs.
  • Use themes from your roadmap to inform your OKRs.
Our experts address all of your OKR and roadmapping questions in our ultimate guide.
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Get started, whatever your size

OKRs can help you achieve big goals by measuring and aligning what individuals and teams are doing with the company’s overall core objectives. 

If you’re just getting started, check our menu of OKR-related content for more insights and information about OKRs and how they can transform your approach to goal-setting.

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