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Helping small teams succeed with free Cloud apps

Adam Wignall
14 December 21 Cloud
Three people each sitting on a cloud with a laptop, connected by an orange circle
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Small teams, rejoice! If you’re on cloud (or headed there soon), it just got even easier for you to maximise your Atlassian tools. 

As of right now, teams of up to 10 people can get Adaptavist’s cloud apps for free!

That means if you’re in the 1-10 user tier, you can access Adaptavist’s most popular, market-leading cloud apps without paying a penny.

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What’s happening?

Part of our core mission here at Adaptavist is empowering teams of all sizes to realise their goals within the Atlassian toolstack. Earlier this year, we announced that we were making it more affordable for large teams to scale up on many of our cloud apps, and we want to make sure that smaller teams don’t get left behind. With that in mind, and in line with Atlassian’s recent announcement, we’ve made our cloud apps available, for free, to teams of 10 or fewer.

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"We’re excited to put the power of apps like ScriptRunner and Content Formatting Macros into the hands of more teams. Every business — of any size — can benefit from better automation and information organisation."
Jari Worsley, Head of Product

Now you don’t even need a credit card to start using some of the most popular apps on the marketplace within your Jira cloud and Confluence cloud. You can speed up and standardise how you find Jira issues, spruce up your Confluence to (finally!) make it beautiful, and automate actions between your Atlassian tools to keep everything in sync.

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Which apps can I now grab for free?

Free apps for Jira

The following Jira plugins are available for free on the 1-10 user tier.

Enhanced Search for Jira 

With Enhanced Search for Jira, you can create and share advanced search filters to save huge amounts of time and improve consistency of working. Quickly find exactly what you’re looking for, every time.

How can it help us?

If you’re working through a project or a sprint, you can make sure that everybody is picking from the same list of Issues. From a management or reporting point of view, tallying up tickets which meet certain criteria becomes faster and more consistent than ever, taking the pain out of things like monthly or weekly reporting tasks. Share your filters across Groups, Projects, or the whole Jira instance to help spot clear progress and problem areas, as a team.

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ScriptRunner for Jira

If you have a lot of repetitive tasks weighing you down or some pretty specific processes that you need your team to follow, ScriptRunner for Jira — one of the Atlassian community’s favourite apps — may be your new favourite app, too.

How can it help us?

Enhanced Search (above) is Built-in as a core feature, along with some other incredible customisation and automation powers. Whoever manages your Jira will feel like a superhero as they make it ever more useful for your teams; creating automatic transitions on tickets, adding dynamic custom fields such as currency conversions or time calculations to issues, and connecting Jira to your other digital tools in meaningful and practical ways.

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Free apps for Confluence

The following Confluence plugins are available for free on the 1-10 user tier.

Content Formatting Macros for Confluence

Confluence offers its own in-built customisation features, but what about when you want to push your pages and spaces further? Content Formatting Macros for Confluence cloud is here to help.

How can it help us?

Content Formatting Macros lets you go beyond out-of-the-box functionality with visual alerts, tooltips, and footnotes for added context and clarity. From improving structure and navigation with tabs and buttons through to enhancing design with visual cards and endless colour possibilities, it's the ideal add-on to make Confluence content work harder and look better. 

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ScriptRunner for Confluence 

Don’t let your Confluence become a jungle of stale, unstructured content where users can get easily lost. ScriptRunner for Confluence allows you to automate content creation, management and cleanup with precision and efficiency. Ensure that your information is always up-to-date.

How can it help us?

In short, this app helps Confluence administrators claw back time while keeping everything in order when it comes to your teams’ working documents. Clean up content in bulk, automate page creation in response to events that happen elsewhere within your Confluence or Jira, and use ScriptRunner to create highly powerful automations within your tech stack. 

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Community Forums for Confluence

Generate conversations and signpost topics with Community Forums for Confluence. Create customised forums on any Confluence page in a matter of minutes, then sit back and let your users create and contribute to topics as they communicate and collaborate.

How can it help us?

Forums help to make your Confluence a more interactive, collaborative space by facilitating conversations among your community of users. They not only encourage company-wide discussions on projects and topics, but can also be used to organise pages into topics and subtopics to create a directory of pages, helping your Confluence users find relevant content.

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Forms for Confluence

Get instant user feedback and insights when you add forms to Confluence pages. Whether you’re running a survey or calling for comments on a project or idea, Forms for Confluence helps you instantly connect with users and seek out the information you need.

How can it help us?

Forms help you make more informed business decisions by enabling quick, simple information gathering directly from Confluence users. They're easy to customise and implement, and best of all, you can manage everything within Confluence itself. That means no app-switching for you or your team - leaving you with more time to gather data-driven insights.

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Get started

These apps will help you to streamline processes, declutter workspaces and regain time which is currently wasted switching between or maintaining different tools, chasing colleagues for information or double-checking things against your processes.

By prioritising information sharing, collaboration and process protection within central tools like Jira and Confluence before you expand, you set your teams up for success, facilitating much easier growth and onboarding when the time comes.

If you’d like to grab these apps and up your Jira and Confluence game today, you can do so right here:

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